The Lotus Boarding House
Owned by: Miuo Toska
The Lotus Boarding House resides in Vvardenfell, and yet could not look farther from such. Concealed with magic the boarding house is difficult to find or happen upon. Most only ever learn of it through one of the flyers advertising the sanctuary and respite it offers that have been spread among back allies and thieves dens. Or word of mouth through a trusted ally who may risk sharing knowledge of the pleasing little haven.Lush with plant life from across many lands, the grounds are an oasis from one's troubles. While at the boarding house almost every need is tended to. Keeping the prying eyes that come with cities and strangers almost entirely at bay and limited to only a few other patrons that come in search of what the boarding house offers.
Though for all its beauty the boarding house is a beautiful trap. Luring individuals into the spiderweb-like dangers of the houses Mistress. From time to time guests seem to go missing. Never to be heard of again, no explanation, no body, no evidence of foul play. Just the sudden absence of their existence any further. Though the individuals who go missing are hardly ever missed or anyone people would shed a tear over. It is an ever-curious mystery.Deep beneath the houses, public grounds, locked behind a powerfully spelled door exists Miuo's vault. Though if one were ever to hear of it and then see it. It would be far from what was expected. Her "vault" was almost as large as the entirety of the grounds of the boarding house. Deep below ground, the massive vault held all manner of valuable relics, knowledge magical items as well as the personal sleeping quarters of its Mistress.The only way to find the boarding house is through a portal seed often attached to one of the flyers advertising its offerings or to receive one through Miuo. Or having collected some once one has signed the contract of the house.
Some of very keen eye and sensitive to magic are able to stumble across it and find the house's gated door.
The home itself is protected from scrying magic. And passing mundane sight.
Amaya Lake Lodge
(Main House)
⌘ Basin of Loss
⌘ The Apprentice (Mundus)
⌘ Provision Station
⌘ Woodworking Station
⌘ Blacksmithing Station
⌘ Alchemy Station
⌘ Enchanting Station
⌘ Scribe Altar
⌘ Transmute Station
⌘ Outfit Station
⌘ Clothing Station
⌘ Jewelry Station
⌘ Tythis Andromo (Banker)
⌘ Nuzhimeh (Merchant)
⌘ Pirharri (Smuggler)
⌘ Aetherial Well
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The Willow Reed Academy
Owned by: Miuo Toska
Overgrown and forgotten in the lands of Skyrim, this old home has been long since reclaimed by nature. Acquired by Miuo, the once forgotten and neglected grounds have been turned into an academy of alchemy.Primarily a place of alchemical knowledge, the quaint little academy is rather small but well suited to the study of other magical pursuits and gathering with like-minded individuals to study. Exchange knowledge, experiment, and seek out answers to questions of a magical nature.
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Banished Villa
Owned by: Matsai maren
One the thriving villa of a Dunmer mage, the villa became sucked into Coldharbour when the mage was confronted about his necromancy experiments.Rather see his village destroyed than give himself over to their judgment he tore open a portal and unleashed daedra upon them. His madness did not allow for caution and as a result, he saw himself and the land his villa sat upon sucked through. This change of circumstance did not hinder his progress or halt his studies.Instead, he thrived in his largely forgotten solitude. The more his new surroundings altered him so did the villa change. Where once it was a lavish display of dunmeri culture, it had now fallen into disrepair and lifeless stone walls that held all the dark horrors the necromancer would envision.
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Frost hold
Isolated and forgotten this small home is cut off from all access. Accessed only through a portal that the current owner knows how to reach. It is as much a safe haven as a prison for those brought there against their will and unable to leave.The fridged crevice the home is located is at all times freezing. Only the many fires within the home and the natural heated spring offer warmth in such a desolate place.
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Necromantic Ruins
Owned by: Unknown
Once the site of a cult of Necromancers, these ruins have grown over time to become more than their intended use. As much beautiful as they are dark, they have come to almost show the balance of life and death.The ruins now exist as a vault of souls, where many have been trapped into soul gems and added to the living library. All the knowledge and experience of the souls trapped and held. For those brave enough to find the vault and go through with the profane act of forcing the trapped souls to speak.
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Overland Map
Owned by: Unowned
The area serves purely as an overland area for rp, changed to suit the needs of the rp at the time.
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Bookwyrm Tavern
Owned by: NPC Owned
A cozy small tavern built by a scholar and mage, for those of like minds. Lavishly furnished and stocked it brings the best a library and lounge could offer to the appeal of a fully stocked tavern. Allowing for the comfortable mingling of mages and scholars over a drink and pleasant music from traveling bards.
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The Bloodwell
Owned by: Joun Bazul
Once a pleasing enough home on the fringes of a city. It has since become crypt-like. The only sounds of life within the home are the hum of machinery. Created and designed by Miuo. The Bloodwell as she has affectionately come to call it was made for her father Joun. A place of resurrection and rebirth for him. Massive vats of blood from various creatures and living things are mixed and fed throughout the home in a massive alchemical process. All feeding into a machine-like coffin that pumps such through her father's corpse to bring him back from death and repair his destroyed form.
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Rimmen Appartment
Owned by: Misu Masu
Ever the wandering soul, Misu's apartment is usually neglected and untended. Dusty and with cobwebs for weeks or months until she returns with newly acquired maps, tomes, or scrolls. While she is rarely there, Misu has not avoided decorating or acquiring lavish pieces to fill her small home. Golden metals and warm hues fill the space with a warm and cozy feeling.
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Vivec City Appartment
Owned by: Manon Moreonin
A simple mer, Manon's apparent serves as little more than a work space, a place for him to meet clients and to sleep. Located in Vivec city, the space is a rather small singular room. While small, the architecture makes up for the space's size a fair bit
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Discord: #Miuo
Game Account: Princess_Miuo
Server/Platform: PC-NA